pymonkey — Access SpiderMonkey from Python

This module offers a low-level interface to the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.

exception pymonkey.error
This is the type of any SpiderMonkey-related errors thrown by this module.
class pymonkey.Context

This is the type of JavaScript context objects. Contexts can only be created via a call to Runtime.new_context(), but this type object can be used with Python’s built-in isinstance() to verify that an object is a context, like so:

>>> cx = pymonkey.Runtime().new_context()
>>> isinstance(cx, pymonkey.Context)
class pymonkey.Runtime

Creates a new JavaScript runtime. JS objects created by the runtime may interact with other JS objects of the runtime, but they can’t interact with objects from other runtimes.

Creates a new Context object and returns it. Contexts are best conceptualized as threads of execution in a JS runtme; each one has a program counter, a current exception state, and so forth. JS objects may be freely accessed and changed by contexts that are associated with the same JS runtime as the objects.

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