view docs/src/pydermonkey.txt @ 173:5cfb47c9e916 default tip

Minor line wrap and spacing fixes.
author Atul Varma <>
date Tue, 01 Sep 2009 03:22:33 -0700
parents 478c672348dc
line wrap: on
line source

:mod:`pydermonkey` --- Access SpiderMonkey from Python

.. module:: pydermonkey
   :synopsis: Access SpiderMonkey from Python

.. testsetup:: *

   import pydermonkey

This module offers a low-level interface to the `Mozilla SpiderMonkey
<>`_ JavaScript engine.

.. exception:: error

   This is the type of any SpiderMonkey-related errors thrown by this

   If the error is a wrapped JavaScript exception, the first argument
   will be the thrown JS exception, and the second argument will be 
   the JS exception converted to a string. Otherwise, the error
   will only contain a descriptive string argument.

   For example:

     >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
     >>> cx.evaluate_script(cx.new_object(), 'throw 1', '<string>', 1)
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     error: (1, u'1')

.. data:: undefined

   This is the singleton that represents the JavaScript value
   ``undefined``, as Python has no equivalent representation
   (JavaScript's ``null`` is mapped to Python's ``None`` object).
   For instance:

     >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
     >>> cx.evaluate_script(cx.new_object(), '', '<string>', 1)

   This object also has a "falsy" value:

     >>> if not pydermonkey.undefined:
     ...   print "See, it's falsy!"
     See, it's falsy!

.. class:: Object

   This is the type of JavaScript objects. Such objects can only be
   created via Pydermonkey calls like :meth:`Context.new_object()` or
   through the execution of JS code, but this type object can be used
   with Python's built-in :func:`isinstance()` to verify that an
   object is a JS object, like so:

     >>> obj = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context().new_object()
     >>> isinstance(obj, pydermonkey.Object)

   Note that :class:`Object` and all its subclasses are
   identity-preserving when passed between Python and
   JavaScript code. For instance:

     >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
     >>> obj1 = cx.new_object()
     >>> obj2 = cx.evaluate_script(obj1, 'this', '<string>', 1)
     >>> obj1 is obj2

   .. method:: get_runtime()

      Returns the :class:`Runtime` that the object belongs to.

.. class:: Function

   This is the type of JavaScript functions, which is a subtype of

   .. data:: filename

      Name of the file that contains the function's original JS source
      code. If the function isn't a JS function, this value is

   .. data:: base_lineno

      The line number at which the function's JS source code begins.

   .. data:: line_extent

      The number of lines comprising the function's JS source code.

   .. data:: is_python

      Whether or not the function is actually implemented in Python.
      If it is, you can use :meth:`Context.get_object_private()` to
      retrieve this Python function.

.. class:: Script

   This is the type of compiled JavaScript scripts; it's actually a
   subtype of :class:`Object`, though when exposed to JS code it
   doesn't provide access to any special data or functionality.

   Script instances have a read-only buffer interface that exposes
   their bytecode. This can be accessed by passing an instance to
   Python's built-in ``buffer()`` function.

   .. data:: filename

      The filename of the script's original source code.

   .. data:: base_lineno

      The line number at which the script's original source code

   .. data:: line_extent

      The number of lines comprising the original source code.

.. class:: Context

   This is the type of JavaScript context objects. Contexts can only
   be created via a call to :meth:`Runtime.new_context()`, but this
   type object can be used with Python's built-in :func:`isinstance()`
   to verify that an object is a context, like so:

     >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
     >>> isinstance(cx, pydermonkey.Context)

   JS contexts are weak-referencable.

   .. method:: get_runtime()

      Returns the :class:`Runtime` that the context belongs to.

   .. method:: get_stack()

      Returns a dictionary containing information about the context's
      current stack.

      The dictionary contains the following string keys:

      | key                          | value                               |
      | :const:`script`              | :class:`Script` of the frame.       |
      |                              | This may be ``None`` if the frame   |
      |                              | isn't a scripted frame, or if it's  |
      |                              | not possible to expose the script   |
      |                              | to Python for some reason.          |
      | :const:`lineno`              | Line number of the frame, if the    |
      |                              | frame is scripted.                  |
      | :const:`pc`                  | Program counter of the frame; this  |
      |                              | is an index into the bytecode of    |
      |                              | the frame's script, if the frame    |
      |                              | is scripted.                        |
      | :const:`function`            | The :class:`Function` in which the  |
      |                              | frame is executing, if any.         |
      | :const:`caller`              | Dictionary containing information   |
      |                              | about the stack frame of the        |
      |                              | caller of this frame. If this frame |
      |                              | has no caller, this value is        |
      |                              | ``None``.                           |

      If the context isn't currently executing any code (i.e., the stack
      is empty), this method returns ``None``.

   .. method:: new_object([private_obj])

      Creates a new :class:`Object` instance and returns
      it. ``private_obj`` is any Python object that is privately
      stored within the new JS object; it can be retrieved using

   .. method:: new_function(func, name)

      Creates a new :class:`Function` instance that wraps the
      given Python callable.  In JS-land, the function will
      have the given name.

      When the function is executed from JavaScript, `func`
      will be passed three positional arguments.

      The first argument is a :class:`Context` that represents the
      JS context which is calling the function.

      The second argument is an :class:`Object` that represents the
      value of ``this`` for the duration of the call.

      The third argument is a tuple containing the arguments
      passed to the function.

      For instance:

        >>> def add(cx, this, args):
        ...   return args[0] + args[1]
        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> cx.define_property(obj, 'add', cx.new_function(add, 'add'))
        >>> cx.evaluate_script(obj, 'add(1, 1);', '<string>', 1)

   .. method:: define_property(object, name, value)

      Creates a new property on `object`, bypassing any JavaScript setters.

   .. method:: has_property(object, name)

      Returns whether or not `object` has the specified property.

   .. method:: get_property(object, name)

      Finds the specified property on `object` and returns its value,
      possibly invoking a JavaScript getter.


        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> cx.define_property(obj, 'beets', 'i like beets.')
        >>> cx.get_property(obj, 'beets')
        u'i like beets.'

      Note also that calling this function on undefined properties
      yields :data:`undefined`:

        >>> cx.get_property(obj, 'carrots')

   .. method:: get_object_private(object)

      Returns the ``private_obj`` passed to :meth:`new_object()`
      when `object` was first created. If it doesn't exist, ``None``
      is returned.

      If `object` was created with :meth:`new_function()`, then this
      method returns the Python callable wrapped by `object`.

      This functionality is useful if you want to securely represent
      Python objects in JS-land.

   .. method:: clear_object_private(object)

      Clears the ``private_obj`` passed to :meth:`new_object()`
      when `object` was first created. If it doesn't exist, this
      function returns nothing.

      If `object` was created with :meth:`new_function()`, then this
      method effectively "unbinds" the Python callable wrapped by
      `object`. If `object` is later called, an exception will be

   .. method:: evaluate_script(globalobj, code, filename, lineno)

      Evaluates the text `code` using `globalobj` as the global

      It's assumed that `code` is coming from the file named by `filename`;
      the first line of `code` is assumed to be line number `lineno` of
      `filename`. This metadata is very useful for debugging stack traces,
      exceptions, and so forth.

      For example:

        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> cx.init_standard_classes(obj)
        >>> cx.evaluate_script(obj, '5 * Math', '<string>', 1)

   .. method:: compile_script(code, filename, lineno)

      Compiles the given string of code and returns a :class:`Script`
      instance that can be executed via :meth:`execute_script()`.

      `filename` and `lineno` are used just as in

   .. method:: execute_script(globalobj, script)

      Executes the code in the given :class:`Script` object, using
      `globalobj` as the global object/scope, and returns the result.

      For example:

        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> cx.init_standard_classes(obj)
        >>> script = cx.compile_script('5 * Math', '<string>', 1)
        >>> cx.execute_script(obj, script)

   .. method:: call_function(thisobj, func, args)

      Calls a JavaScript function.

      `thisobj` is an :class:`Object` that will be used as the value
      of ``this`` when the function executes, `func` is the
      :class:`Function` to execute, and `args` is a tuple of arguments
      to pass to the function.

      For instance:

        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> cx.init_standard_classes(obj)
        >>> Math = cx.get_property(obj, 'Math')
        >>> floor = cx.get_property(Math, 'floor')
        >>> cx.call_function(Math, floor, (5.3,))

   .. method:: init_standard_classes(object)

      Defines the standard JavaScript classes on the given
      :class:`Object`, such as ``Array``, ``eval``, ``undefined``, and
      so forth. For more information, see the documentation to
      which this method wraps.

   .. method:: gc()

      Performs garbage collection on the context's JavaScript runtime.

   .. method:: is_exception_pending()

      Returns whether an exception is currently being propagated in
      the context.

   .. method:: get_pending_exception()

      Returns the current exception being propagated in the context. If
      no exception is being propagated, this method returns ``None``.

      If you need to disambiguate between whether ``None`` is the
      pending exception or there is no pending exception, use

   .. method:: set_throw_hook(func)

      Sets the throw hook for the context to the given Python callable.
      The hook is triggered whenever an exception is thrown in the

      `func` takes one argument: the context that triggered it.

      For example, here's a throw hook that prints information about
      an exception as it's being propagated through the stack:

        >>> def throwhook(cx): 
        ...   stack = cx.get_stack()
        ...   if stack['function']:
        ...     where = stack['function'].name
        ...   else:
        ...     where = stack['script'].filename
        ...   exc = cx.get_pending_exception()
        ...   print "%s being thrown in %s" % (exc, where)

      Here's the hook in action:

        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> cx.set_throw_hook(throwhook)
        >>> obj = cx.new_object()
        >>> code = "(function foo() { throw 'oops' })()"
        >>> try:
        ...   cx.evaluate_script(obj, code, '<string>', 1)
        ... except pydermonkey.error, e:
        ...   print "caught %s" % e.args[0]
        oops being thrown in foo
        oops being thrown in <string>
        caught oops

   .. method:: set_operation_callback(func)

      Sets the operation callback for the context to the given Python
      callable. The callback can be triggered via

      `func` takes one argument: the context that triggered it.

   .. method:: trigger_operation_callback()

      Triggers the context's operation callback. If no callback has
      yet been set, this function does nothing.

      This function is one of the few thread-safe functions available
      to a JS runtime, and together with
      :meth:`set_operation_callback()` can be used to abort the
      execution of long-running code.

      For instance, we first create an operation callback to stop
      long-running code by throwing an exception:

        >>> import time, threading
        >>> cx = pydermonkey.Runtime().new_context()
        >>> def stop_running_code(cx):
        ...   raise Exception('JS took too long to execute.')
        >>> cx.set_operation_callback(stop_running_code)

      Then we create a watchdog thread to trigger the operation
      callback once a long amount of time has passed:

        >>> def watchdog_thread():
        ...   time.sleep(0.1)                 # An eternity to a computer!
        ...   cx.trigger_operation_callback()
        >>> thread = threading.Thread(target=watchdog_thread)
        >>> thread.start()

      Now, when we execute code that takes too long to run, it gets

        >>> try:
        ...   cx.evaluate_script(cx.new_object(), 'while (1) {}',
        ...                      '<string>', 1)
        ... except pydermonkey.error, e:
        ...   print cx.get_object_private(e.args[0])
        JS took too long to execute.

.. class:: Runtime()

   Creates a new JavaScript runtime. JS objects created by the runtime
   may only interact with other JS objects of the same runtime.

   With few exceptions, objects belonging to a runtime can currently
   only be used in the same thread that the runtime was created
   in. This may be changed in the future, since SpiderMonkey itself
   has support for thread safety.

   JS runtimes are weak-referencable.

   .. method:: new_context()

      Creates a new Context object and returns it. Contexts are best
      conceptualized as threads of execution in a JS runtme; each one
      has a program counter, a current exception state, and so
      forth. JS objects may be freely accessed and changed by contexts
      that are associated with the same JS runtime as the objects.